Sunday, February 12, 2012

Carol Kaye

Carol Kaye is one of the most prolific and talented jazz bassists of the past few decades. She grew up in a musical family; both her parents were professional musicians. Guitar was her first instrument until the hired bassist failed to show up to a recording session at Capital Records. Kaye stepped in playing the electric Fender bass and since has been in high demand. She keeps a rough schedule, working seven days a week, but looking at her discography it seem to have paid off. She has played bass for many well known film composers and shared stages with the likes of the Beach Boys, Elvis Presley, Simon and Garfunkel and Frank Sinatra just to name a few. Not only does she share her music through performances but she reaches out to help younger players. She has published several bass guitar method books and taken on pupils that have become notable bassists in their own right such as Monty Budwig and Max Bennet.

Critical Listening

This piece starts with Carol Kaye playing solo on the bass, then drums come in, followed by guitar. The A section repeats 3 times layering in the new instruments. Then the B section comes in followed by a solo on the guitar. The drums and bass lay down the beat and rhythm while the guitar flows in and out of the texture. The guitar then fades out, followed by the bass and finally the drums end the piece.

I also really enjoyed listening to the bass line in this piece:
There is sort of a similar style in the layering of the instruments. I like how it allows the bass a chance to shine prior to the other instruments entering.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not familiar with her, either, so I've learned something else new! That's exciting. Can't listen to the tune now but will hope to return to it.
